Monday, March 22, 2010

Fighting for State's Rights & Personal Liberty

It has been asked, "How do we get our country back?"

There is no simple answer. We have been slowly eroded by politicians from both parties for decades, and it will likewise take a while to recover. But one thing is known - the first step is to contact your representatives. If they will listen, great! Tell them how they can best represent you and the best interest of the people. If not, it is time to start looking for a replacement - who knows, the right man for the job may be the one in the mirror.

With the passage of the "health care" bill by the US House of Representatives yesterday, we have taken a giant leap towards becoming the Union of Socialist States of America (USSA). Thankfully, several of the Sovereign States have already made it known that the federal government, a creature OF the Sovereign States, has overstepped its bounds, gone beyond the power granted to it by the States that created it.

At this point in time, at least 10 States have disclosed plans to file a lawsuit against the federal government for overstepping its powers with the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act". More Sovereign States are likely to follow. My fellow Hoosiers, I encourage you to contact Attorney General Greg Zoeller in support of Indiana joining the list of States with the cajones to stand up to the federal government.

Below is a copy of the email I sent to AG Zoeller, and here is a link to contact him yourself. (If you are not a Hoosier, please contact your respective attorney general an encourage him to join the cause of State's Rights and Personal Liberty.

Dear Mr. Greg Zoeller:

I write to you on a day that is dreary not only because of the rainy weather, but more importantly because of the decision of the United States Congress to pass the "health care" bill last night. The bill was strongly opposed by a majority of American citizens throughout our great nation; watchdog groups warned us of the repercussions; the Democratic Party even lost seats already because citizens simply did not want this bill enacted. Yet, Congress, in its Infinite Wisdom, decided that the We the People are not intelligent nor wise enough to make this sort of decision, that it is somehow ordained to push this down our necks against our every petition, plea, and protest. Nevertheless, as of today, what has been done has already been done.

Yesterday, the President said, "This is what 'change' looks like."
"Oh really, Mr. President?" is my response. "Just wait until you see November... then you will truly see 'change'!"

I was disheartened to see that all five (5) of the Democratic representatives from Indiana to the United States House of Representatives voted in support of this bill. Surely they will receive their reckoning come election time. In the mean time, however, we have work to be done. As the highest legal advisor to the State of Indiana, I implore you to help us fight off this tragedy of American greatness that is the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act".

As many as twelve (12) Sovereign States of our Great Union have begun preparations to file a lawsuit against the federal government's seizure of the health care system [1]. Most outspoken on this intention has been Virginia's Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, but Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum has also made his intentions known. Furthermore, the attorneys general from Alabama, Nebraska, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Washington will be standing up to the federal government on behalf of their respective states [2]. I respectfully petition you, sir, to join the growing throng of opposition among these Sovereign States against the unconstitutional behavior of the members of the Congress of the United States and the White House.

Our very own Governor Mitch Daniels has been publicly against the passage of this outrageous bill [3]. I am a young man, and I have not been active in following politics until just the past two years, but my research and diligence has given me great faith in our State and in our Governor. I know you are much more aware of all the ramifications of this "reform" bill than I, but from every stretch of my knowledge, from every byte of insight I've extracted from my elders, advisors, peers, and mentors, and from every application of my sincerest wisdom, I have concluded that this Act must be undone at the earliest possible moment in order to protect, if not the Union as a whole, the State of Indiana. So again, I encourage you to join Governor Daniels in opposition to this bill for the welfare of our own state.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Caleb W. Allen
Fort Wayne, IN
B.S., Computer Science, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, 2009


All for now...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like AG Zoeller is already on the same page as many other states, representing a majority of Americans! In a press release today, it was announced that "he is considering the options available for legal challenges to the legislation."
